Friday 17 June 2011

Fundraising BBQ - Building Fund

BBQ Fundraiser

Friday, July 1st · 10:00am - 5:00pm

Church of God Deliverance Centre: 
#3A George Cabral Cir. Rd. St. James

Created By

This will be a fundraising event is to help us with our Building Fund. 
We ask you to support us by purchasing a ticket. We will deliver
for deliverIES over 10. You can contact us on 622-1468 or leave 
a message here and we will call you back. Thank you all and God Bless!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Our Trip to Austin Texas.

Church of God Deliverance Centre will be visiting Austin Texas to be the guests of Restoration Temple of Deliverance...
The Bishop is John W. Horne and he is a dynamic preacher of The Word.
If you are in Texas you really need to check this man of God out.

He is paying for everything for our Church except Air Fare. This Man of God came to Trinidad and whatever saw made him want to help us! 
Oh Bishop Horne and Restoration Temple of Deliverance, how bless we are by you and God!
See You soon!!!! Rev.Daniel

Tuesday 14 June 2011

New Members to Our Facebook Page

We are happy to welcome our Newest Likers to our ook Facebpage today! ((((((Drum Rolls))))))) Church of God Deliverance Center welcomes the following members to our Facebook Family. Thank you for the support and I am sure to see you soon even though you live in Texas! God Bless Rev. Naomi Daniel for Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!

Jazyma Wharton
Mylyn Roberts 

 Gary Kurt McSween

Kevin Musik Duke

Janeetia Jalleen Moore

Please click on the link above to welcome any of our new members!
I will post the time when i will be on to chat live to all! Thank you all and God Bless!

Monday 13 June 2011

First Lady Donna Maloney

First Lady Donna Maloney
Please follow this link to welcome First Lady Maloney: 

Church of God Deliverance Centre welcomes our First Lady to our Facebook page. First Lady Maloney resides in the United States of America but her heart is with us all  here in Trinidad and Tobago. First Lady Maloney we thank you for liking our page and invite you to become a friend on Facebook at:

All Church of God Deliverance Centre members please go to this link to comment on Lady Maloney's post. Thank you!

Sunday 12 June 2011

Church of God Deliverance Centre Welcomes...
Elder Nicole Williams 

Elder Nicole Williams to our Facebook Family. Elder Williams plays an integral role in many aspects of our Church including positions in our Non Governmental Organizations. Elder Williams we thank you from the bottom of our Heart for your dedication and hard work in developing our Ministry!
Rev. Naomi Daniel For Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!