Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Reverend Naomi Daniel...Preaching in the USA. She Rocked the house and we will have video posted here soon. Reverend Daniel visited Atlanta, Ga; Austin, Tx; Dallas, Tx; Atlanta, Ga (2nd time); New York, Ny and God knows when she will be back in Trinidad. A little birdie told us it will be soon so don't miss church and miss Reverend surprise return...

Psalm 27:4-5
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

Rev. Naomi Daniel


Thursday, 23 June 2011

Gospel Slumber Party

Last Night the Kids had a Ball! 

Friday, 17 June 2011

Fundraising BBQ - Building Fund

BBQ Fundraiser

Friday, July 1st · 10:00am - 5:00pm

Church of God Deliverance Centre: 
#3A George Cabral Cir. Rd. St. James

Created By

This will be a fundraising event is to help us with our Building Fund. 
We ask you to support us by purchasing a ticket. We will deliver
for deliverIES over 10. You can contact us on 622-1468 or leave 
a message here and we will call you back. Thank you all and God Bless!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Our Trip to Austin Texas.

Church of God Deliverance Centre will be visiting Austin Texas to be the guests of Restoration Temple of Deliverance...  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Restoration-Temple-of-Deliverance/160517207318731?sk=info
The Bishop is John W. Horne and he is a dynamic preacher of The Word.
If you are in Texas you really need to check this man of God out.

He is paying for everything for our Church except Air Fare. This Man of God came to Trinidad and whatever saw made him want to help us! 
Oh Bishop Horne and Restoration Temple of Deliverance, how bless we are by you and God!
See You soon!!!! Rev.Daniel

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

New Members to Our Facebook Page

We are happy to welcome our Newest Likers to our ook Facebpage http://www.facebook.com/pages/Church-of-God-Deliverance-Center/188108554574979 today! ((((((Drum Rolls))))))) Church of God Deliverance Center welcomes the following members to our Facebook Family. Thank you for the support and I am sure to see you soon even though you live in Texas! God Bless Rev. Naomi Daniel for Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!

Jazyma Wharton
Mylyn Roberts 

 Gary Kurt McSween

Kevin Musik Duke

Janeetia Jalleen Moore

Please click on the link above to welcome any of our new members!
I will post the time when i will be on to chat live to all! Thank you all and God Bless!

Monday, 13 June 2011

First Lady Donna Maloney

First Lady Donna Maloney
Please follow this link to welcome First Lady Maloney: 

Church of God Deliverance Centre welcomes our First Lady to our Facebook page. First Lady Maloney resides in the United States of America but her heart is with us all  here in Trinidad and Tobago. First Lady Maloney we thank you for liking our page and invite you to become a friend on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002503753991

All Church of God Deliverance Centre members please go to this link to comment on Lady Maloney's post. Thank you! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Church-of-God-Deliverance-Center/188108554574979

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Church of God Deliverance Centre Welcomes...
Elder Nicole Williams 

Elder Nicole Williams to our Facebook Family. Elder Williams plays an integral role in many aspects of our Church including positions in our Non Governmental Organizations. Elder Williams we thank you from the bottom of our Heart for your dedication and hard work in developing our Ministry!
Rev. Naomi Daniel For Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Feast of Pentecost

The word firstfruits means “a promise to come.” On the day of Firstfruits, the Church Family will bring a special offering to the Lord. This offering will represent the firstfruits of any financial income since the Feast of Tabernacles which was held in ( October 2010). In Leviticus 23: 9-15, the first crops of the barley harvest were offered to God as an offering of thanksgiving for the promise of an abundant harvest. This offering, lifted up to the Lord, is called the early firstfruits. In I Corinthians 15:23, Jesus is considered the firstfruit of the harvest of all who have died in him. This Feast was fulfilled when Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. For Christians, this feast is important because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
The disciples celebrated the feasts! Acts 2; 1, 42; Acts20:7,
Paul celebrated the feasts! 1cor.5:6-8; 1Cor.11:17-34.
The early church celebrated the feasts! Acts 2:1
For the Israelites, the feast of Pentecost was a holy gathering to celebrate the harvests in their new promised land
God commanded them to bring the first crop and present it to him as an offering. They were to testify to his faithfulness (Deut: 26:1-2). This is why Pentecost is also referred to as the" feast of first fruits". When they obeyed him, he promised to bless them in seven specific ways. And when we obey him with our first fruits offering, these promises are for us too!

Events for Sunday June 12, 2011


Reminders:Sunday School starts at 10:00am. It is very important to have children come to Sunday School! For the IMPORTANCE of Sunday School please visit the page entitled ":importance of Sunday School" click the 'link' on the right side under PAGES. 

Service starts PROMPTLY at 11:00 am- we are available before that for prayer!

There will be a food collection drive every service. Remember you don't need to donate much. 1lb of anything, 1 can of food of any type,  1 small pack of macaroni or anything to put into a hamper!

We will be talking about helping people start small businesses! How to get small businesses registered, how to get loans, how to market your business etc. We will help you with making business cards, flyers, Websites or Blogs, making labels for products and anything else to help you promote your business...FREE FREE FREE!

Start of Computer classes for everyone! From Basic to Advance. Even if you don't know how to turn the computer on or you can't read and write we can help. We can still show you how to go and at least watch the photos of your family on Facebook and do other nice things on the net!

We plan to start the cooking and sewing classes soon! It will be on a first come first serve basis so come today to get registered or let your presence be felt. This is available to both males and females!
Remember this Sunday is Pentecost Sunday so see you all here! Please see our special post on Pentecost on this Blog. God Bless you all!

Thank you all for reading our Blog and we hope to see you all on Sunday! If you have any concerns please feel free to comment on the bottom of this blog and I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. Rev. Naomi Daniel

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Crystal Lescott - The Newest Member to Our Facebook Page- #20

We are happy to welcome The Newest Liker and a VERY IMPORTANT ONE to our Facebook page - This is very important to us since our page now have a name. 

 ((((((Drum Rolls))))))) 

Church of God Deliverance Center welcomes Crystal Lescott to our Facebook Family. 

Thankyou for the support and I am sure to see you soon !

 God Bless Rev. Naomi Daniel for Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!

Please click on the link above to welcome Crystal!
I will post the time when i will be on this blog to chat live to all! Thank you all and God Bless! Rev. Daniel

Monday, 6 June 2011

New Member to Our Facebook Page

We are happy to welcome our Newest Likers to our page today! ((((((Drum Rolls))))))) Church of God Deliverance Center welcomes Minnie Francis to our Facebook Family. Thank you for the support and I am sure to see you soon even though you live in Texas! God Bless Rev. Naomi Daniel for Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!

Please click on the link above to welcome Minnie!
I will post the time when i will be on to chat live to all! Thank you all and God Bless!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Visa to Austin, Texas, USA.

For those of you wishing to travel with us and submitted their information previously, Please be advised that we are planning to pay for our appointment as a group no later than Wednesday 8th June 2011. You are strongly encouraged to have your payment ready and be available to go in person to pay the fee for the application of the Visa. This fee is mandatory and in accordance with the Visa requirements of the US Embassy.

For information on the fee amount or for general information, please visit the site at http://trinidad.usembassy.gov/non-immigrant_visas1.html

Thank you for your interest and kind attention to this matter. Please feel free to call us at 622-1468 for more information during normal business hours.

Posted by Rev. Naomi Daniel

New Members to Our Facebook Page

We are happy to welcome 3 New Likers to ourFacebook page today! ((((((Drum Rolls))))))) Church of God Deliverance Center welcomes Ashaki Charles, Nadine Davy and Amanda Lovelace to our Facebook Family. Thank you all for the support and I am sure to see you all soon. God Bless Rev. Naomi Daniel for Apostle Junior Anthony Maloney!
Please click on the link to see the profiles and say welcome to our Facebook  Friends! 

I will send you times when i will be on live so you may join our discussion! God Bless you all, Rev. Naomi Daniel

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Photo for verse of the day for 4 June 2011.

Today's Verse

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Since "calling on the name of the Lord" is essential for salvation, then what is going to happen if we don't speak about Jesus with those who do not know him? We must share Jesus with everyone who will listen. That "someone preaching to them" must be us!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Verse for today Friday 3rd June 2011

Today's Verse

Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor.

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

We can try to insure our future through many things. Wisdom, however, is always a better investment than finances because it not only shelters us from our uncertain future, but Godly wisdom can also keep us out of the unnecessary consequences for dumb and ungodly behaviors. Most of all, God's wisdom teaches us that there's no solid future without our lives centered on God.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

New Members to Our Facebook Page

We thank Michy Boo http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001681456709 of Canada and Youthpastor Jermaine WIlliams http://www.facebook.com/youthpastorjw of North Carolina for LIKING OUR Face book Page! We hope you can come on our blog and live chat with us sometime! I will send you times when i will be on live so you may join our discussion! God Bless you all! Rev. Naomi Daniel

Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day for today Thursday 2 June 2011. Please tell your friends to visit our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Church-of-God-Deliverance-Center/188108554574979 and LIKE it.

Activities for Thursday 2011

We are inviting everyone to visit our Facebook page and LIKE our page.
Please follow this link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Church-of-God-Deliverance-Center/188108554574979 to our Facebook page for more information

We have a very interesting announcement to be made on Sunday in regards the trip to Austin Texas so please be there! 

Adopt a fish and feed it at the bottom of this BLOG. Just post a comment on what colour you would like your fish to be and I will change it for you. All are red until you adopt one! Thanks Rev. Daniel!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Part 2 of Sunday Sermon May 29, 2011

Please go to this link and see Part 2 of this service!


We need you all to discuss this in your comments!
Rev. Daniel

Verse for today

Lets discuss this...

Today's Verse

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
— Hebrews 13:7 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What makes a great Christian leader? The Holy Spirit emphasizes three things in this passage: 1) they teach others the word of God; 2) they live as great examples for others; and 3) they have observable faith. God puts each of us in positions of influence with our children, our friends, our work acquaintances, and our neighbors. What kind of spiritual leadership are we showing them?

Sunday Worship Service

Please click here for a link to video of Sunday Worship Service for 29 May 2011
