The word firstfruits means “a promise to come.” On the day of Firstfruits, the Church Family will bring a special offering to the Lord. This offering will represent the firstfruits of any financial income since the Feast of Tabernacles which was held in ( October 2010). In Leviticus 23: 9-15, the first crops of the barley harvest were offered to God as an offering of thanksgiving for the promise of an abundant harvest. This offering, lifted up to the Lord, is called the early firstfruits. In I Corinthians 15:23, Jesus is considered the firstfruit of the harvest of all who have died in him. This Feast was fulfilled when Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. For Christians, this feast is important because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
The disciples celebrated the feasts! Acts 2; 1, 42; Acts20:7,
Paul celebrated the feasts! 1cor.5:6-8; 1Cor.11:17-34.
The early church celebrated the feasts! Acts 2:1
For the Israelites, the feast of Pentecost was a holy gathering to celebrate the harvests in their new promised land
God commanded them to bring the first crop and present it to him as an offering. They were to testify to his faithfulness (Deut: 26:1-2). This is why Pentecost is also referred to as the" feast of first fruits". When they obeyed him, he promised to bless them in seven specific ways. And when we obey him with our first fruits offering, these promises are for us too!
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